Ohad Atad



I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Business Economics at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tel Aviv University, and an MBA with a specialization in Finance and Financial Engineering from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I am an theoretical micro-economist focusing on Industrial Organization, studying the strategic interactions in markets for platforms, and specifically the regulation of markets with network effects.

Reach me at: ohadatad@post.tau.ac.il, you can find my CV here.


Regulating platform competition in markets with network externalities: Will predatory pricing restrictions increase social welfare?

(with ), Forthcoming at Journal of Industrial Economics

[Show/Hide Abstract][Paper]
We consider an infinitely repeated platform competition in a market with network externalities. The platform that dominated the market in the previous period becomes the incumbent in the current period. We examine the effect of an antitrust policy that prohibits both platforms (symmetric regulation), or just the incumbent (asymmetric regulation) from charging predatory prices. We show that symmetric regulation decreases consumer surplus and does not affect efficiency. Asymmetric regulation increases consumer surplus and improves welfare when the size of the market remains constant over time. Yet, when market size varies over time, this policy may lead to inefficient entry.

Work in Progress

Cognitive Dissonance and Information Bias in the Age of Information Overload: How Media Platforms Impact User’s Perception of Reality? (Job-Market-Paper)


Ohad Atad


I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Business Economics at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tel Aviv University, and an MBA with a specialization in Finance and Financial Engineering from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I am an theoretical micro-economist focusing on Industrial Organization, studying the strategic interactions in markets for platforms, and specifically the regulation of markets with network effects.

Reach me at: ohadatad@post.tau.ac.il, you can find my CV here.


Regulating platform competition in markets with network externalities: Will predatory pricing restrictions increase social welfare?

(with ), Forthcoming at Journal of Industrial Economics

[Show/Hide Abstract][Paper]
We consider an infinitely repeated platform competition in a market with network externalities. The platform that dominated the market in the previous period becomes the incumbent in the current period. We examine the effect of an antitrust policy that prohibits both platforms (symmetric regulation), or just the incumbent (asymmetric regulation) from charging predatory prices. We show that symmetric regulation decreases consumer surplus and does not affect efficiency. Asymmetric regulation increases consumer surplus and improves welfare when the size of the market remains constant over time. Yet, when market size varies over time, this policy may lead to inefficient entry.

Work in Progress

Cognitive Dissonance and Information Bias in the Age of Information Overload: How Media Platforms Impact User’s Perception of Reality? (Job-Market-Paper)